What Is Curcumin?

Curcumin (Curcuma longa) is the source of the spice Turmeric, and is used in curries and other spicy dishes from India, Asia, and the Middle East. Curcumin is what gives the Curry its characteristic bright yellow color and strong taste. Like many herbal remedies,...

General Questions

GENERAL QUESTIONS If you have an GENERAL QUESTION that does not fit any existing Category or tag, just CLICK REPLY to add it here. I will reply and then put it in the correct section. Do look around the questions in case it has already been answered.

What Is Eye Health?

This Category is for all of your questions regarding Eye Health. Have you already downloaded my 24 Page EyeSight Overview? If not click here It is extracted from my book, TURNING A BLIND EYE, where I explain everything you need to know about why eye diseses occur and...

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration, or age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans 60 and older. It is a disease that destroys your sharp, central vision. You need central vision to see objects clearly and to do tasks such as reading and...